Earth Energy Education is born from a passion to educate and empower our children to embrace a greener future.

Site visits | Workshops | Webinars

Providing inspirational learning experiences

14,800 students

(4-20 year olds) have visited solar and wind farms through our work

Our primary objective is to get children out of the classroom to renewable energy sites. 

We support site visits for all ages and stages from pre-school to University and community groups.

Our visits last an average of two hours and they are all hands on, experiential and fun. We work closely with schools to ensure that each visit is tailored to their learning.

We organise all aspects of the visit from risk assessment, education consultant, bus, toilet hire, curriculum links, activity planning and resources.

18,500 students

(4-18 year olds) have had one of our school workshops

To support our site visits and to explore topics in greater depth we deliver hands on, experiential workshops, webinars and projects covering the topics of renewable energy, climate change and biodiversity. Our most popular are:

  • Carbon Footprint

  • Solar Investigations

  • Solar Toy junk Modelling

  • Solar Car Make and Race Challenge

  • Wind Turbine Blade Design

  • Power Your School – Renewable Investigations

140 industry professionals

have given up time to speak to children, encouraging children to pursue a career in green STEM jobs which will benefit the environment

We work directly with the renewable energy asset managers and see this as a great opportunity to share their knowledge, skills and career advice with young people.

We encourage engineers at renewable energy sites to not only share their in depth knowledge of the site but also a little about their wider role and career. We also run Live STEM webinars with professionals sharing their time to talk about their careers. And we are building a video library of professionals exploring their role in Green STEM jobs.

At Greencoat Capital we are always looking for ways to support and give back to the local community and this includes inviting local school children to visit our sites.
— Adriano Tortora, Schroders Greencoat

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Get in touch with us to hear more about how we can support you deliver educational outreach for your company.